Friday, October 23, 2009

Sleep, Where Are You Friend?

I don't know what it is lately but I can not sleep. It seems to have started ever since Tom is now in the bed with me. This may be pure coincidence or perhaps I am on to something! Every morning like clock work I wake up at 3:30 am. I then proceed to toss and turn until 5:30 am when my alarm clock goes off. By then I have gotten my second sleeping wind and am now ready to go back to sleep. After hitting the snooze forty-seven times I eventually drag myself out of bed a little after 6:00 am. What is the deal.

Some mornings I lay there plotting Tom's death as I am convinced he is crowding me out and pulling covers off me or piling them all on me. This morning I woke up with a throw pillow on my head. I am seriously considering putting a camera up to prove my theory that he is a horrible bed sharer. I am one of those people who can not stand other people piling on me. Tom is one of those people who likes to pile on other people (namely me). This morning in my near hysteria of tossing and turning for going on an hour he put his leg on top of my leg. Just like that I started feeling claustrophobic and had to turn myself and face the other direction. (Read: Heather needs psychiatric help)

Then the leg cramps start. Enough said.

So in the end, I ended up getting out of bed super early and coming to work super early.

I think I am done being pregnant. Surely this is really why I can't sleep, right?


  1. I hate insomnia. You always fall asleep 30 minutes before the alarm goes off.

  2. That is why John & I have a King Size bed & we do NOT share blankets (seriously - we each have a full size comforter - we do not have a "bed set" to make the room look pretty) - we also have a valley of pillows that separate us.

  3. I also don't sleep as well when Luke is in the bed....what's the deal with the husbands coming back and ruining our good time?
