Thursday, September 1, 2011

August: The Month of Suck

August has been quite the challenging month and I'm glad to say I somehow made it through alive with a little bit of sanity intact.

I'm not quite sure in what order everything started happening but somehow everything went out of whack this month and it became one thing right after the other (a term I hate to use). Our older car (a 2001) needed some repair work to the tune of around $800.00 that was spread over two visits. Then our van which is still fairly new needed repair work to the tune of around $300.00. No sooner did the van come out of the shop that our older car broke down leaving Tom and Carter stranded in a shopping center parking lot. After a tow to be serviced we find out that the fuel pump crapped out to the tune of almost $900.00.  We managed to get through the great car debacle of 2011, thank God.

Next we have an earthquake, the first that I've experienced in my life. The most terrifying thing I've experienced especially when you're in an office building and you know there are two more floors above your head! Thankfully no structural damage occurred and I think some people didn't even notice the earthquake. I know that I'll never forget it!

After we got over the shock of an earthquake in little ol' Delaware I got to experience my second Hurricane ever. We thought we'd made it out okay until early in the morning when the Hurricane was nearly over. Our ceiling began leaking in two spots. Nice. Now we get the pleasure of figuring out and repairing whatever is wrong with the roof and once that's done we'll fix the drywall and replace insulation etc. Fun, fun, fun! Even my Dad who never really shows his frustration to me about stuff like that made the comment of: "If it's not one thing, it's 12 others!" I think Dad is enjoying August as much as I am.

My mother took a job in Shreveport, LA and will start on September 12th. I'm bummed that she's going since we are SO close and hang out pretty often throughout the week. I TOTALLY understand her needing/wanting to work and get money stored up and just have a little adventure too ;) I'm especially glad that my Granny is moving back to Missouri because my sanity really can't take much more. I love my Granny but taking care of her is literally like having another toddler and with a newborn on the way I just don't have it in me.

So there you have it folks, the real reason why my blood pressure is sky-high ;)

Welcome September!


  1. Good news.... it's SEPTEMBER! Praying that things start coming together and that your blood pressure goes down.

  2. hang in there! august wasn't ALL bad ;) I mean, we DID get to FINALLY meet Marcus! :)
    thankful that you won't have a terribly full plate once momma takes off!
