Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Waiting Room

That's where we are at with this pregnancy. Hopeful I don't take another turn for the worse but praising God that I've gotten so much better!

The nurse took my pressure today at the OB's office and announced 138/88. The Doctor and I looked at each other stunned and ecstatic all at the same time. I think the Doc even asked the nurse "Really??!?!?" It has not been that low in weeks, even though the bottom number is a touch high my doctor was just glad it had come down so much. I still have protein in my urine which is not good but that just comes with the territory of preeclampsia. At the end of my appointment the doc leans against the counter and says "I know you're feeling better but I still don't want you up moving around too much!" I kind of chuckled because that would be like me to sneak a load of laundry here and there ;) I assured her I will still be bed ridden until 11/1.

At my ultrasound today Amelia's fluid levels are looking great and her heart rate was 148. The tech told me that her weight was "approximately five pounds, three ounces." I laughed on the inside, at that rate she would be eight pounds and I'm highly doubtful if she is bigger than seven and that would be a stretch. I have long babies (both 22") but Hannah was 5.15 when she was born and Carter 6.10. I would be blown away if Amelia was very much bigger than Carter.

So there you have it, we are at week 33 and with 6 more weeks of bed rest I'm hoping nothing funky happens with Amelia and I's health to bump us up before our 6 week wait is over :)


  1. I'm having an Amelia in 5 weeks :) Stumbled upon your blog today and had to comment when I saw we had picked the same name. Hope you and baby girl continue to do better. I can't imagine 6 weeks of bed rest! Hang in there!

  2. Enjoy it while you can...you are doing great sweety. Love you so much.
