Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rob Who???

Tuesday I receive a call from a Delaware phone number but not a number I recognize, I answer regardless:

Me: Hello

Stranger: WHO IS THIS????

Me: This is Heather, who is this?

Stranger: This is Jen

Long awkward silence...

Jen: Are you talking to Rob?

Me: I'm married with three kids, I have no idea who you are talking about

Jen: Oh, I found your number and thought you might have been someone else. Nevermind, good-bye

What strikes me as odd is, how did she "find my number?" and who the hell is "Rob?" So, it annoyed me off and on the rest of the night and I had half a notion to call her back and tell her that if she has to call strange numbers to check on her man then she should find a new one.

Thinking back on it today it was less annoying and more comical until...

Man's Voice: Is Rob there?

Me: Nope! You have the wrong number!

Man's Voice: Okay, bye.

Really, really we are talking about Rob yet again? This time it wasn't my cell phone like the day prior it was my house phone. Now it's getting too weird. Who is Rob? Has he stole my identity? Is Tom in a secret affair going by the name Rob (hahaha)? Is someone playing a practical joke on me? A little spooky.

Tom and I have been joking back and forth about "Rob" and whenever we say hello or good-bye it's "Hey Rob or Good Bye Rob!"  If I get anymore phone calls about "Rob" I'm going to interrogate the person on the other line. I don't even know a Rob and I hope some weirdo isn't out there using my phone number(s). What the heck!


  1. i'm sorry but this is hilarious....only you! ;)

  2. Too boot the first number that called my cell phone just called my cell...again!
