Friday, November 28, 2014

Wow, It's Practically December.

Thanksgiving without family was strange and yet good. One of my best friends asked me how my Thanksgiving went and I told her: I cooked, the kids played video games and Tom napped the majority of the day so he could go to work for 12 hours at 5:30; so yeah it's pretty much how Norman Rockwell portrayed it.

To add to our talents we spent the ENTIRE DAY in pajamas...heaven.

Working Black Friday is the pits. Pits I tell you. It's such a tease to have off that one day and then the next day you should be shopping or decorating for Christmas. I'm pretty sure this is a law somewhere.


I worked and got home a touch early, grabbed dinner and then headed out to get a Christmas Tree before Tom went to work. We had enough time to get the tree in the stand before he needed to leave.

Alas, the day was not a total loss.

It's now time for me to relax and stare at my gorg Christmas tree which has the heavenly smell of Christmas pouring from it's branches. Oh hark, my tree's trunk is as crooked as a dog's hind leg...this is totally typical for my life.

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