Sunday, March 30, 2008

Comings and Goings

Life is getting ready to be even more busy.

We are going to put our house on the market this week. Monday I plan on calling my realtor and get this ball rolling.

The "new house" is pretty much done, the entry and the family room are the last two rooms that need completed and then we will be all set to move in. So needless to say I will also start packing things this week.

I really feel like I have no time to do anything, the baby still likes to eat every two hours. So that only leaves about an hour/hour and a half to do anything before it is time to feed her once again. As I am typing it is coming up on time to feed her once again.

Well I better go do something before I run out of time.


  1. That is awesome... I better come visit you here by me before i have to start driving long distances. LOL

  2. I remember very clearly how life at this age revolves around the baby's eating, sleeping and pooping schedule. Don't try to do too much. Those were the times that I just ended up frustrated.
    Laying around and soaking up my baby's cuteness were the best.

    Good luck with moving!
