Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Holy Jesus!

I literally feel like I am having a stroke! (and I haven't even gone into labor yet) Is it normal to feel so terrified? I am officially freaking out and I am quite certain Tom thinks I have lost my mind. Just two more hours of waiting until we go to the hospital...


  1. Please don't have a stroke, and yes it is totally normal. Pre baby jitters are way worse than marriage jitters or any other jitters. If a marriage doesn't work there is the option for divorce, if you buy the wrong car, house or anything you can always sell it. But the little person you are making is yours, heart and soul for all eternity. From birth to school to wedding to grands, it doesn't matter how old they get they are still first and foremost in all your thoughts and decisions. There is so greater joy, hope, love, trial or frustration that being a parent. Just remember how long you have waited and how hard you have worked for this. And never forget- we've always got your back! We love you baby girl!
    The parents


    I had a panic attack when my water broke. Seriously.

    YOU'LL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  3. I can't wait to see the little angel!
