Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nothing New

Sorry I have been neglecting my blogging and commenting...I am still reading everyone's blogs!

I have been really busy with work and when I get home I have no time to sit at a computer. Therefore, not much posting is going on.

My birthday was Sunday and Tom and I went to Lancaster, PA for the weekend and enjoyed some shopping. We ended up coming home a day early because I missed Hannah. (Next time we go away I promised myself I won't cut our trip short) Now it is just work, work, work!

Monday I went to the grocery store. I gathered all my baby junk and got Hannah out of her seat and began walking up to the front of the store. I lift my leg to go up the curb and didn't quite make it.

I freaking fell, while holding Hannah, on concrete! WTF!

I fell completely forward and all I could think was holy crap what am I going to do to keep Hannah from getting hurt. I fall on my left knee and right elbow in an attempt to shield her since I was holding her in my left arm. This plan of action worked well because she cried briefly from being startled but was fine after I took a good look at her. My body on the other hand was hurting like hell. My knee still hurts and has a good size scrape on it. I was pretty much ready to die of embarrassment and retreat to my car.

Would you guess that no one came up and helped me! Here I am sprawled out on the sidewalk, baby in hand and no one came to my assistance.  I was shocked.

But we are both okay and that is all that matters in the end.


  1. glad you are okay!!!! isn't it amazing how you instinctively protect your baby?

  2. I am STILL in shock that no one lifted a finger to help you! NO ONE!
