Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feels Like Today

Man I am feeling good today!

You know how you just feel like you have an added bounce in your step? That would be me!

I made a few decisions on things that have been weighing me down and as sad as it is to see relationships come to an end it was for the best. Now I can breath again.

That being said...I had a kick-ass step class last night. Em (one of my best friends) invited Fancythis and I to join her in a class that she takes with her Aunt. FT invited her mom to come along and the five of us had a really good time and more importantly a good work out! I had never done stepping other than the very basic of moves so parts of it were lost on me but I kept moving and did other moves  if I couldn't get the hang of a certain tecnique. It lasted an hour and by the end all of us were completely drenched in sweat and our faces were as a red as possible. I am so  looking forward to doing it again every Monday!

Weight loss update: I have lost forty pounds total and so far this week I have lost one pound! Woo-hoo!


  1. CONGRATS! Keep up the good work.

  2. Yay! Did you have a good time yesterday?

  3. OMG Em! Super fun and I am still sore from Wednesday!
