Monday, March 16, 2009

New Week, No Obstacles

Last week was a rough one for me. It seemed like every day something was going on or someone was sick. Thankfully this week the prospects look much better!

Hannah has not been sleeping lately. She took about an hour nap yesterday and would not go to bed until 10:45PM! She used to take two naps a day one being about 2-3 hours long and would still go to bed around 5:30-6:00 for the night. Now she doesn't want to sleep at all and we try to put her to bed at 8:30 and she apparently uses this as time for a power nap. After about a half an hour of  lying in her bed quietly she begins to cry bloody murder. She will carry this on forever until you let her out of her bed. Ridiculous!

Needless to say I am quite sleepy.

Tonight when I get off work I will be heading to the Y.  I am hoping that by taking Hannah along she will get some of her energy out playing with the other babies and hopefully go to sleep.

I knew kids gave up naps but I didn't realize they gave up all sleep entirely. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. My Little Gal gave up her morning nap a few months back. It was rough on all of us but now I intentionally don't let her sleep until after lunch so she'll sleep through the night. You might try moving her nap up so it's not as close to bedtime. Sounds like she's overtired and can't get herself to sleep. Never fear, this too shall pass and you'll have a new issue instead (wink). Hope your "wear her out at the Y" attempt works!!!
