Monday, August 3, 2009


Had my first level two ultrasound today and we are having a boy. There is no two ways about it...we was not shy in the least!

The heart rate was 148 and everything looks good. There was a few shots they couldn't see because he was moving around so much. My blood flow to my uterus was not too good. They will be monitoring that to make sure it won't turn into a problem. The blood flow from the umbilical cord was excellent and I believe that matters more.

Couldn't see his face too well, he was burrowed right up to the uterus at a weird angle so they couldn't check his face or the four chambers of the heart.

Here are some pics...

The profile-very close up!:

8-3-2009 edit

His "Manhood" as the ultrasound tech referred to it:

Picture 007-edit

We are very excited. My brother has two girls and then I followed that with another girl so it will be nice to have a boy. I will admit I am a little nervous about tending to his circumcision. I am sure we will be fine but that just seems so painful in my mind. Tom, I don't think will be able to handle that. He has already vowed that he will not change his diaper until he is all healed up. He cracks me up!

I had a feeling the whole time it would be a boy. This whole pregnancy has been very different from Hannah's. Plus my Mother in Law got in my head with her "string test." The string test always said I would have a girl, boy and another girl. So of course when we told her we were having a boy, she proclaimed "she knew it, the string test never lies!" I got a chuckle over that!

Well I guess I am off to search for some cute crib bedding. I got to steer Tom away from wanting to do the babies room in Houston Astros colors. Orange and Black, ugh!


  1. I'm SSSSSOOOOOO excited!!!
    So, are you going with the Zebra bedding from PB kids????

    Um, that would be up to Tom the bedding dictator!

    You tell Tom, I will ship him any Astro color items he wants - Cardinal colors would be better but I have a good supply of Astro stuff.

    Thanks Billie and don’t encourage him, lol!

  3. That's some exciting news! Ultrasound pics are always fun to see and even more fun when so revealing. Congratulations!!
