Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

There is so much is going on right now. It is a tad overwhelming!

Mom is out of the hospital. They released her today and she is really feeling a lot better! Ended up she had a blood clot that was not allowing her urine to come out properly. This then caused a back-up into her kidney, the doctor put a stint in between her kidney and bladder which then released the trapped urine and blood. Unfortunately, the stintis painful and will be in there for at least a month if not more. Other than that she is feeling pretty good. They even gave her a pint of blood while she was there and that seems to have helped dramatically.

We are currently buying our house...finally! My parents currently own it. When we sold our house in November we were already living here since about April and just never got our butts in gear. Now with the interest rates so low we figuered we better get it together before they get out of control again. I realize now why my feet were dragging...the whole process is a huge pain in the butt! The things you forget in-between buying houses, so annoying.

Hannah is doing well, she seems to be talking a lot more. She can say Mammie (my mom), Molly (the dog), Uh-oh, Mama or Mum, Daddy, So big, Hi, Bye and the list goes on. It is amazing how you will say something and she will rattle it back only it's a little hard to understand but at least she is trying. It is just amazing watching her grow.

The baby is doing well, I can feel him kick quite often. I am suspicious that boys move/kick way more than girls. I don't remember Hannah moving near as much as Carter does. I can't wait to meet him, I only have about three more months left! Can you believe it?

Work is overwhelmingly busy. I was put in charge of a new project/function and most days I am ready to leave and never come back. The reality is I work 9-10 hour days and am exhausted and want to go to bed at 8:30. I actually had to put a sign up on Tuesday that I would be unable to answer questions until 12:30 and to hold all questions until that time. Most of my co-workers thought it was hilarious, the question-askers got there feelings hurt. Oh well, first time I had done it and I think it got the point across to stop coming to my desk every 10 minutes with a different form of the same question. I wonder if some people even try to problem solve on their own!

My niece is getting so big! She is six this year and just started First Grade! So exciting for her! She is such a sweet little girl, she had super long hair that was down to her butt or further and gave 10 inches away to locks of love. It is amazing how sweet and caring she is.

Her sister who is two just started dance class, this should lead to some interesting stories. She is a very stubborn little girl so I can just imagine how she is doing. She is really quite the comical little one!

We are working on the house again bit by bit. Hopefully we will get to tileing my basement landing this weekend. We started to do it last weekend and didn't have enough tile. Don't ask me how we did that, we have probably had this tile for over a year and all this time we didn't have enough! We are also going to start on the baby's room as soon as we get the window we ordered. It most likely will not be in until September 25th. As soon as that is in we can start painting the walls. I am so excited!

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