Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Feeling Good and Everything is Fine!

That's how my day has been going. I found out today that I don't have to return to work until March 8th, I thought it was March 1st so that was a huge score! (As a side note you can see how well I do math, I can't even count out twelve weeks on a calendar correctly!)

Carter's belly button cord giblet finally fell off! Hallelujah! There isn't much that grosses me out in life but those cord giblets are just disgusting.

Hannah has adjusted well to the transition to a toddler bed. Tom and I are going to start pricing mattresses soon and just move her completely over to a full size bed.

Carter has started waking up one to two times in the night which is super awesome for me! I hope he follows his sister's footsteps and moves right in to sleeping through the night with no issue.

I've been a little bored throughout the day just sitting at home, there is only some much TV one can watch and only so many things that need cleaned. I decided to take the kids out to Wal-Mart on Monday to see how hard it is with the two of them and no other adults with me. It went excellent! Hannah was relatively good with only a brief crying fit because she wanted out of the cart, she soon got over that when she saw I was not going to give in. Carter slept through the whole event and I managed to buy everything on my list without forgetting anything!

I also weighed myself today and was surprised to discover I have lost almost  all of my baby weight, 24 pounds to be exact! I had only gained about 34 pounds this pregnancy and it is almost all gone! Wa-hoo! I would like to start exercising again soon but for now will focus on what I eat. I told Tom today that I can't even remember what it's like to have a "diet," he agreed he couldn't remember either. I am going to start making a list of the "healthy" things I should be eating so that I can start to remember once again.


  1. WOW! Walmart by yourself AND you've almost lost all of the baby weight?!?!?! SUPER woman!!!! You're just so awesome!

  2. Heather, that is GREAT!! Keep up the good work.

  3. You are doing great!!! Trips to the store require a little more planning, but it's doable.
