Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

It's been tough, the kids have adjusted awesome to me being gone. The first few days with me back at work they were upset but seemed to do pretty well after about three days. This is the second week and I still feel like I can't get it together!

Most nights Little Mister doesn't sleep and gets up every couple hours. This is so not fun when you get up at five to be at work by seven. Lately I've been so tired that I've been falling asleep with him on my chest, thankfully he just sleeps right along with me until I realize and put him in his swing! Nights are a little hard with Tom not around. He works second shift so the house may not always be clean every day and the dinner might take a little bit longer to be made. In the end it all gets done!

I seem to have lost my gusto for work, I hate it now. Crawling out of my skin, ready to run from the building kind of hate. It's not the people and it's not the job it's self, I just don't want to be there at all. I'm hoping this feeling will pass soon or I am in for a world of hurt!

We have long corridors in the building I work in, on either side there is glass windows. Every time I walk somewhere I can see my reflection and it is not cute! I really, really need to get serious about getting all of this weight off! I feel like I just don't have the time but I'm going to have to make time before I turn into the 500 lb woman! Yikes!

Carter has become so entertaining lately, he laughs and talks. The cutest thing ever! He even began eating cereal this week!

Hannah has become very well-behaved all of a sudden. For this I am extremely grateful! It seemed like months of battling, disciplining her for everything and just like that she started being her normal self again. It was a miracle!


  1. you'll be just fine - you're just working out all the kinks, but eventually, you'll come out on top!

  2. Ha - we seem to be having the same feelings about work.....
