Friday, March 5, 2010

My "Baby" Girl...

Today you are two, I can't believe that two years ago today I was finally having a baby! Finally!

Your name means "Grace of God" I feel like it was the Grace of God that I had you. You mean so much to me and your Daddy. I can't wait to watch you grow up and one day turn into a little lady. I hope and pray that you and your brother are close as you grow up together and that everything in your life is wonderful!

I love you so much baby girl! Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday to our Itty Bitty. You are growing much too fast. We love you more than you will ever know.

  2. I can't believe our babies are TWO!! Happy Birthday, Hannah!

  3. TWO!!!! What the heck?! I swear she was just born! Anyway...Happy Birthday Banana! Auntie Laura loves you OH SO MUCH!
