Friday, May 6, 2011

Head Spin

I set forth to the Hallmark to purchase cards for Mother's Day and my niece's communion. Once I stepped foot in Hallmark my pregnancy brain kicked in:

  • Start off with my Grandma. Check! Oh wait I need to get a card from my kids to her...3 minutes later I find the perfect card. Grannie's done!

  • On to the "Mom" section. Found the perfect card for both Moms and done. Oh crap, they need cards from the kids too. Back to the "Grandma" section. Why do all of  these cards say "Grandma" or "Nana" who calls their Grandma "Nana"? Four minutes later found Grandma cards for both Moms.

  • Crap don't forget communion card...Oh geeze why do some say "First Holy Communion" and some say "Communion," I think it's first holy communion...should I phone a friend? No it's definitely the first. Five minutes later the perfect  card is chosen.

It took me 30 minutes to buy seven cards. Thank God we don't have any Step-Moms in the family, I would have had a melt down.

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