Monday, July 9, 2012


Our newest baby to join the family is a sweet little black kitten that Hannah named CoCo. I cringed a little when she named him. I like normal names for animals and was all set to name him Willy or Murphy. Like a good Mama I let Hannie name him, so we have CoCo. Adding to his special-ness he also shares the same birthday as Hannah, how fun is that to hear when you're four years old?

He had a little bit of a rough start, I noticed that his siblings were coughing and one had an eye that was oozing...oh no. When we first picked him out and put in our adoption application he was fine but four days later when we went to pick him up we could tell something had manifested within his litter. I kept an eye on him and he seemed to have a strange cough but that was it. A few days after we brought him home the group that we adopted him from called me and informed me that this litter of kittens had come up from Virginia and his litter mates have lung worms and one had pink eye. Eh.  They did give me medicine to treat him and thankfully his appointment was scheduled with the vet a day later. He ended up taking a super strong de-worming medicine for 10 days in addition to an antibiotic for 10 days. Thankfully, he is now healthy and doesn't show anymore signs of  parasites, phew! I was worried in the beginning because I'd never heard of lung worms but from what I read on the internet it appeared that the cat could develop pneumonia and make the cat so sick it would die. And really, worms inside your lungs is really never a good thing to hear! 

He is a super cute and friendly little guy and warmed up immediately to my other kitty boys. Here he is sleeping in the middle of  Simon (left) and Figaro (right):

I call him puss-puss and Carter calls him baby. Carter is attached to him the most, he looks for him all the time and will pick him up and carry him around when he finds him :) The cutest thing ever!

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