Friday, September 22, 2006

College Perhaps

Lately, I have been toying around with the ideal of going to college. I always said I would never go to college, but I am beginning to re-think that. My job will pay for it if I go for Business, but I think that is boring. I kind of want to be a Botanist or a Golf Course Superintendent. But I am not exactly sure. I always wanted to open up my own business with my Best Friend L since we love to do floral design and are quite good at it. We also daydream that our Best Friend E will be our accountant for free ;-) and we will all live happily ever after.

But, if I don't do anything, nothing will ever happen. I will be just like those poor people that I work with, that work to make ends meat and to take care of there children and they never seem like they really enjoy life. I don't want to be like that, I want to have a big huge house and a job I love. I think this weekend I am going to look in to colleges on-line! Here's to nothing!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! You're back! This is SO exciting!
    Anyway, I'm diggin the college thing! It would be good for you.
