Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I am sorry but what dumb woman decided we should have equal rights as men?

I am serious, I loathe working, I hate my job. I wish I could quit, so who do I blame this on, the women that first cried out equal right that's who, you suck!

I really wish I had kids that I could stay at home and tend to. (I know, you moms out there are chuckling)

I know, I might receive some shit for this post, so I am kidding, kind-of. So sue me.


  1. i understand. i once worked in a highly stressful, low-paying job with a completely PSYCHO officemate. one day i was so fed up that i was out to lunch with my boss and i gave my notice. (without even telling my husband first! WHOOPS!)

    then i went back to school and worked part-time at a nursery school, which i loved. then i had kids and the rest is history, but i seriously remember those 9-5 jobs i had totally sucking. big time. i remember thinking "why am i so tired? i sat on my ass all day and its not like i really used my brain at all....."

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  3. can you please post something darnit?! I'm bored!

  4. I'm sure you were kidding about the "who's dumb idea was it that women should have equal rights as men" part, but serious about wanting to not work 9-5. So don't work 9-5. What's stopping you? I'd go crazy staying home all day. We're all different and want different things. That's why someone first cried out for equal rights. (Steps off soapbox)

  5. Amie,
    If I didn't work my new title would become Bum! :-P

    I have to work to pay mortgage, electric, water, food, gas, oil heat, taxes, insurance, cable, telephone, credit cards and the list goes on and on.
    I am married but as usual one salary no longer will cover all of the expenses that it takes to run a household. I do not have kids just as yet but when I do I will still have to work to pay for the added expense that comes with having children.
    So you see it is not so easy to just say "So don't work 9-5"

    Also, I almost forgot I am going to college in January which will completely ensure I stay a full-time worker for the rest of my life. God wiling I don't die or develop a terminal illness!

  6. hang in there, babe.
    remember when we thought being a grown-up would be so super cool and fun?

  7. Clearly, Amie's house cleans itself as she would go "crazy staying home all day". Maybe she thinks that bills pay themselves also, since lemons should just stop working 9-5 also. Think people, think.
