Thursday, June 5, 2008

Blog Stalkers...

Come out, come out wherever you are!

You know who you are lurking in the shadows,  afraid to comment. Or maybe you think you have somehow out-witted me and I don't have any idea your checking up on me. I know who you are, oh yes I know you're there.

So lets have it lurkers... Show your cards, I already know your there, just make your presence known.


  1. You know I love to read your blog!!! (My little guy was talking about your baby just today!)

  2. um..................... you caught me.

  3. I adore your blog!! I always make sure I'm doing my daily reads!!

  4. OK. You know when you were out on maternity leave this was the only way that I could see pictures of Hannah. I now have photo album of her on my computer. Now that is a stalker!!! lol!!!

  5. this is my first time running across your blog (thanks to the automatic generator which i actually hate...but that's another story) and I have the exact same problem. no one posts on my blog except for friends or spammer...
    keep your head up
