Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday 5/7/2009

I had a very good appointment today! Everything is looking great and all of my blood work is really good! My hemoglobin A1C is a 5.6 which is super good!

I got to see the baby's heartbeat today! It was a moment of shear joy! I could also tell he had gotten much bigger since last week. He is starting to take shape!

The heartbeat was 124!

Here is a pic of the little guy:

Picture 002-edit

I am measuring six weeks three days, giving me a new due date of 12/29/2009. This date is the official date and should not change in the future.

I do have to say this, I had to get an exam today while I was there. I hadn't had an exam with them since 2007. So they have me get undressed and put the gown on. Clearly this gown was Hannah's size. It was squeezing my fat little arms and it literally half covered the front of me. Ridiculous. It reminded me of Chris Farley and David Spade in Tommy Boy, "Fat guy in a little coat." I survived it but if memory serves me I think these people gave me a tiny little gown last time too!


  1. fat guy in a little coat!!!!! I forgot about that!!!!!
    didn't I tell you that something would happen during that exam?!?!

  2. Old wives tale:
    over 140 bpm = girl
    under 140 bpm = boy (aka a Parker)
