Monday, May 4, 2009

Thursday 4/30/2009

Last week's appointment went very well! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me!

All of my blood work looks really good and the RE will continue to monitor me until I am 12 weeks. They estimated that I was about five weeks last week. My estimated due date is 12-20-2009. The lady that did my ultrasound sound said that may increase by a few days since it does look like I am five weeks and they will be able to measure the embryo next Thursday (the 7th).

The lady also hoped that we would be able to see the heartbeat this week! YAY!

Unfortunately, Tom is with Hannah so he hasn't been able to come to the ultrasounds with me and I don't think we will be coming to any.  :-(   At least that is how it looks so far.

Here is the little bean at five weeks:


I don't see two sacs in there so I am going to assume we dodged the twin bullet!  ;-)


  1. Just cause I'm feeling cheeky today... you do know that identical twins can share a sac?

  2. That is the same thing my two BF's keep saying! I guess time will tell! :lol:

  3. they can they can!!!!
    Hey and just for argument's sake - do y'all have another girl name picked out - just in case? ;)
