Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family Pictures

Normally, we would go in mid-November to our local Kiddie Kandids and have our Christmas pictures taken. This year however I will 9 months pregnant so Tom and I thought it better to just wait until after the baby is here to take Christmas pictures. This all doesn't sound so bad in my head. Then I make the appointment for December 21st, ahem. Then I decide on what we all should wear. Hannah and Tom look cute in anything and Carter will of course be adorable because well he's a baby and that's what they do. I on the other hand will look rough, like I don't know, I just gave birth or something. This helped me to decide that we would all wear cute sweaters and jeans. Something super comfortable for everyone.

Then reality sets in. Do you know how freaking hard it is to match two children. Especially when one child will be a newborn, literally. So this has made finding clothes for the two of them that match even in the slightest, near impossible. So Mom and I trekked out last night to the mall in hopes of finding something for the kids to wear. We headed to Children's Place and found sweaters:

For Carter:


For Hannah:


But, I still am not totally in love with either sweater, I feel like I just settled. So before all of this I had emailed my Mom a few things to get her opinion on, when does she respond to them... last night at 11:00pm. I think she has  a good idea though, we could do these for Han and Carter:

Hannah SCarter S


















I'm thinking I should go with the above option. What does the Internets think about either option? Or are you thinking I am going crazy? That is of course entirely possible!


  1. Am I good or what??

  2. Heather, you have an awesome mom!

    The second option is cute, then you & Tom could still wear jeans & a sweater.

    You are making me feel like a slacker, we haven't had family pictures in several years. Maybe I'll try to do that after softball season ends (that eats all our saturdays)
