Monday, November 8, 2010

My Morning Side-Kick

Every morning for the past three weeks Hannah wakes up at the crack of dawn. This has been super fun.  I don't know why but like clock work, 30 minutes before my alarm goes off she is up and ready to go. She drags her cup, baby and blanket into my room. Next she declares she is hungry and demands asks in a most pleasant tone for a poppy (pop-tart). So off I head to the kitchen after getting her settled in my bed. I begin heating up her pop tart and getting her a fresh drink. She will then come in to the kitchen a couple of minutes after me, like a little Chatty Cathy, asks for her daily vitamin. I remind her to be quiet and we head back to my room. She eats her pop tart on my side of the bed (crumb central!) and enjoys morning cartoons courtesy of NickJr. Once I get showered and dressed I hear the oh so familiar pitter patter of Hannie feet running to the bathroom. She knocks on the bathroom door and lets me know that she needs to do her hair. I continue blowing out my hair while she brushes her hair with her small pink brush. After we are done  our hair I walk her back to my room for the 5,000 time,  give her a kiss and tell her I'm off to work.

I don't know why she started doing this but it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon!

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