Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And A Baby Makes 5?

Let me start this post off my saying no, I am not pregnant.

Tom and I have been weighing out our options lately. I've always wanted a third baby, always. The spacing of our kids is such that we feel like if we are going to have another one it's either now or never. We don't want our kids spaced out more than 2 1/2 years apart. Carter will be 2 in December. When he was born Hannie was 21 months old. I would prefer to keep them close-ish to that time range.

Then money comes into play, or the lack thereof. Can we afford it? Will a third send us to the poor farm? As most of you know having babies is really, REALLY expensive.  The pregnancy is expensive, the birth is expensive and until around 2 years old the cost of diapers will cost an arm and a leg.

Then health comes into play. I'll most likely be put back on insulin, one for day and one for night. I'll need to take progesterone because my body doesn't make enough. I'll need to possibly take iron since I was anemic with Carter. I might end up with high blood pressure again. Then to top it all off do I want to have another major surgery? As you know the doctors don't want to do VBACs so once a C-section always a C-Section.

Right now the cost scares me the most. I can deal with the health issues when they come along but money is one of those things that you have or you don't, usually we're the latter.

I think Tom and I are both on the fence, pushing that re-start button is a big decision. But, the thought of not having one more makes me really, really sad.  It feels like my uterus and I are breaking up.

What are your thoughts on the matter from your own experiences?

And no mother you can not comment because I already know what you are going to say! ;)


  1. I am really fond of three =) We have our three and are making it on one income. Believe me it is tight but I wanted no less then 3 and I am glad we have three. And the age thing is great because they all play together! This time I found ways to cut back ( different formula, diapers, etc)I don't feel we are as strapped as we would be had I not made those changes!

  2. Um, well, I am trying for number three right now, and so perhaps I'm not one to ask. It's not a dynamic I've seen in play, but I'm certain we can make it work. I know that since we are operating on a single income, we'll have to be careful with our funds. It may look like we are jet settting people with cash, but that money is funded by my parents. We take care of our family's needs, and they spice things up with fun here and there. So, I can see more coupon cutting, ordering of diapers from amazon (HUGE savings there,) and on and on. Fingers crossed. We could try to do this together. :-)

  3. Deep down you know I would support you- whatever you decide. No one loves you like your momma!

  4. i'm the oldest of 5, so i may not be the best person to ask here - but I think that people get too hung up on the money. my dad was a mailman, and mom stayed home, and we were all really happy - all WITHOUT disney vacations every year and tons of activities going on ;) that's not to say that i think it's acceptable to mooch from the government {you KNOW how I feel about that!} but there really are ways to shop and spend smarter.
    now, whether 3 under 4 would be fun to parent, I'll have to wait to let you know, that's a different story altogether! :)

  5. what your husband THINKS... (having three does cause a loss of even more brain cells!)

  6. Sounds like you're doing a good job of weighing the pros and cons! My advice is (1) pray and (2) most heavily weigh what your husband things then any other wisdom you get.

    Praying for you!
