Friday, February 11, 2011

Bottle Free?

I finally took the plunge and put Carter to bed without a bottle of milk. We had a bath, brushed teeth, read a story in Hannie's room, fed him a yogurt and laid him in his crib. I turned all of the lights out and sat in my room staring at the video monitor to see his reaction. He was sitting there staring towards the door but not really doing anything. I texted Tom to tell him what was going on and he was convinced this would not end well. Carter is still sitting and staring. I bow my head to pray to give Carter the strength to not need a bottle and for comfort. Then for me that I'm doing the right thing. I look up and he's laying down! I thought man Jesus, you're on a roll tonight! That was the fastest answered prayer ever!

I texted Tom to tell him the good news (and he is still not convinced this is going to work). But, I think I'm going to count this one as a win!


  1. ellen you're hilarious.
    i guess i "like" this too!
    oh facebook how you've taken over even the smallest of things in our vocabulary.
