Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bleeding To Death-*Update*

I went to the doctor on Thursday and I had my mom take me because parking is non-existent if you leave work and try to come back. We walked in the office (I had never been there before) and I looked at mom and said, "Man, this guy is going to be expensive! It looks like an Italian Cathedral in here!"

Finally I was called back to the exam room and the doctor is asking me a ton of questions. He seemed puzzled as to why my nose was bleeding so much. Then he does my exam and checks ears and everything. He FINALLY gets to the right nostril which had been giving me all the trouble and like a kid in a candy store he proclaimed, "I see it, there it is right there!" He then proceeded to have my mother come over and look in my nostril so that she could also see the issue. Apparently it was just a very small ruptured blood vessel but every time it was irritated it would bleed... like crazy!

 He stuffed a cotton swab of lidocain up my nose which of course angered the nasal blood vessel god and caused it to bleed. Then he got out silver nitrate and started to cauterize my nose with it. Then after all of this nasal irritation he has nerve enough to tell me, "Do not blow your nose for at least a week or you will dislodge the scab and you'll have to do this all over again." WTF!

After he messed with my nostril, if ever in my life I needed to blow my nose it was then. So of course I went to the bathroom and blew my nose. I didn't bleed so decided I could live with the rest of the irritation in my nose until a week passed.

I will say this, the whole process made my nostril extremely itchy on the inside and I was about to go mad sitting at my desk the rest of that day.

So far it seems to have worked well, I have not had a nose bleed since Thursday. The real test will be when it is healed and I can finally blow my nose again! Muhuwahaha!


  1. How weird! At least you know what was causing it.

  2. Not being able to blow my nose for a month was absolute torture each time I had my poor broken nose fixed. There's nothing like being told, "Don't blow your nose" to make it start itching.

    Hang in there!

  3. Glad it wasn't too difficult of a fix!

  4. "I will say this, the whole process made my nostril extremely itchy on the inside and I was about to go mad sitting at my desk the rest of that day."

    That sounds like the second circle of Hell. HA! I couldn't bear that.
