Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bleeding To Death...To Death I Say!

Well my nose hasn't bled since I was pregnant, in case you're not keeping up that was four months ago. However, since about a month ago my nose has bled 10+ times per week for about ten to fifteen minutes at a whack. Normally, it is after blowing my nose but today out of the clear blue I am talking to a co-worker and my nose starts gushing blood! WTF!

So about three managers asked my if I was okay and everything. One of the managers had asked me if I have seen an Ear Nose and Throat doctor about it. Well of course I haven't even though someone will tell me to go like everytime my nose bleeds at work.

So I decide the random bleeding was the last straw. I finally called and am going to "get my nose fixed" on Thursday! YAY!

I don't know why I haven't gone yet but enough is enough. My nose bleeds at work and I'm certain these people are hoping I don't have AIDS or anything contagious. Maybe I should put a Bio-Hazard warning across my cube!

Wish me luck, I'm a little nervous about the prospect of having my nose cauterized!


  1. Yikes! I hope everything is ok!

  2. I hope everything goes well for you and your nose tomorrow.

  3. "However, since about a month ago my nose has bled 10+ times per week for about ten to fifteen minutes at a whack."

    You may want to consider other methods of getting coke into your system than snorting it. Plus, it is much easier to drink anyway. ;-)

  4. I had my sinus cleared and my nose straightened all at the same time. It was awful. They put these long plastic splints in and then packed the sinus and nostrils with gauze. A week later when I got them removed I cried for the first time since I was a kid. The nurse had to ask the doctor to stop for a moment because I was squeezing her hand so tight she thought I would break it.

    So then pull these big nose tampons out and they are all bloody and yellow from pus I guess and then they begin to pull out the gauze and there must have been a mile up each nostril. The doctor is slowly pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling....... It was like a magician with the handkercheif in the sleeve. It seemed like it was never going to end.

    Finally, when he was done the one side he started the other and it was the same thing. The pain was so bad I swore that no doctor was ever going near my nose again!

    Anyway, good luck on getting the nose fixed!

  5. Hi,

    Well, don't be surprise if you see me here *smile
    I stumbled in your wonderful blogsite, while browsing around.

    Yes, as asian, we have much of superstitions but some really works. When nose bleeding, my mum used ice-cold cloth, put in the forehead & let us sit head up, if it won't stops, then take a cold shower.

    Good luck...

    my other blog that is:

    The one am using now, will be my blog to be use on forward.

    Cheers for a cozy w/end.

  6. You still doing well?

    Thanks for asking, I've been meaning to post the update.
