Thursday, November 15, 2007


So yesterday, a little bird told me that, if a certain individual was catching babies while I am delivering that said little bird would be able to be in the room! I am super excited! So now the moon and stars need to align so that I will be delivering while this individual is on duty.

It could happen.

At our local hospital you can only have two people and your spouse. So I am having Tom (of course), my mom and his mom. However, I really, really, really wanted my best friend there so, this just might play out in my favor.

I mean you only have your first child once, you should be allowed to have whomever you please in the room.


  1. hey, i had about 9 people in the room when i had Grace. Husband, the doctor, the nurse and about 6 interns. if they can be there, then your family should be able to be there!

    Good God woman! I think you were an exhibit!

  2. Wow! I'm always amazed at people who want tons of family present for delivery. I was very happy that it was just Honey, 1 L&D nurse and my doctor in the room with me when Princess was born.

    Ahh! Not "tons of family" just two moms, a husband and a best friend! Okay that does sound like a lot! HAHA!

  3. You could sell tickets. Make some money off of it.

    Or wait, better yet, you could invite me and I could call the play by play like John Madden!

    "There is the doctor, he's moving in close and reading the situation. He is looking to his left and looking to the right. He moves in under center and starts the hard count. Here comes the ball, sliding out. He drops it. There is a fumble and now a scramble. I can't tell who is going to come up with it. It's a mess in that pile right now and it's anyone's game at this point....."

    Oh dear God!

  4. actually, she doesn't have to be working, she said just to call her, and she would "take care of it" ;)

    Again I say, awesome-o!
