Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dream Me A Dream...

I guess it has been about a month and a half ago by now. I had a dream that I was having a baby girl and she had red hair and green eyes. She looked just like her daddy, it was so real. She was laughing and everything, she wasn't a newborn but maybe about six months or so old. It was all very strange. Of course at the time of the dream I still thought I might be having a boy even though my dream was showing me otherwise. So that leads me to wonder? Do your dreams "come true" when you are pregnant and dream of your baby? My MIL seems to think so. When she was pregnant with Tom she had a dream about him and everything came true, very freaky I know.

Not too long after my dream my manager had a dream about me and the baby. The baby had curly hair! It was a girl and she had curly hair. Mind you all of these dreams are prior to finding out that the baby is indeed a girl.

Just this weekend my manager had another dream about my baby. This dream was almost like it took her breath away, she kept telling me, "Heather, she was just so beautiful!"

So do you think these dreams are true? Do you know of anyone whose pregnant dreams came true?

I think it would be a hoot if this baby came out nothing like the dream I had of what she looked like! HAHA!


  1. Gosh, I've had dreams about twins, so this post scares me a bit ;-)

    Actually, when I was preggers with #2, I had dreams about having an Ellie and then a Mini-Ellie like in Austin Powers!!

  2. I had only one dream about a baby. Because we were trying and charting and tracking I know that I had this dream about 3 days after Princess was conceived. In my dream I was sitting in a rocking chair holding a baby girl. A few days later the early pregnancy symptoms started up. A week after that the stick had 2 lines on it and I started to talk about my baby girl.
    I just knew that baby I saw in my dreams was growing inside me.
