Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I sat in the OB's office going over all the necessary paperwork with the nurse for the hospital and for them it finally sank in. I'm having a baby! Okay in about 7 more months but you get what I mean. As she was talking to me about the hospital and this test and that test all of my memories started to flood back of what I'd been through twice before. I couldn't be more excited!

I was surprised to hear that Delaware Maternal and Fetal Medicine is currently not taking my insurance. This poses a bit of a problem because that's where you go to get level 2 ultrasounds and bio-physical profiles. I was even more surprised to hear that the alternate locations they are sending patients to are about 45 minutes to an hour away. Either to Crozier in Philly or BayHealth in Dover. I'm hoping and praying they get their contracts worked out with Aetna and I can just keep going where I've always gone, otherwise I might have a problem.

I did ask the nurse if at my next appointment with the doctor if she would give me a due date then. She confirmed that's when I'll get one and then if my ultrasound is pretty in line with the date of my last cycle then my due date will be October 29th! Yay, I've always wanted to have an October baby!

After the OB I had an appointment with the Endocrinologist and he will start monitoring my blood sugars once a week. Let's pray I can avoid insulin this time!

I guess that's all the news that is news!

1 comment:

  1. super exciting!
    except for the insurance. that stinks. :P
