Monday, March 21, 2011

The Top 10 Reasons I H8 Checking Facebook

  1. Belly aching every day or at least every other day about how horrible your life is. Wah for you.

  2. Sharing detailed information about your spouse or significant other and just why he's a jerk. No one needs to know or think this but you.

  3. Married people changing their relationship status to "In A Relationship and It's Complicated" or my favorite "Single." Um, if you're married, then you're married; period end of sentence.

  4. People who purposely make their status updates about you without ever saying your name. Because we're 12.

  5. Cussing in your update. It's just not necessary.

  6. Talking about drinking and drugs. Grow up your almost 30.

  7. People who have conversations in your status update. Enough said.

  8. Re-tweets from Twitter that include all of your commentary to celebrity's. News flash, they don't care about you.

  9. Lester the Molesters sending you friend requests until you block them. What does this only happen to me?

  10. Finally, that I even had to write this. People really need to think before they post status updates, it's the INTERNET and I would hate for you to embarrass yourself.

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