Friday, January 19, 2007

Part Duo

So I broke down and called the dentist yesterday due to tooth continuing to throb. They said to just come on in. I leave work and head on over there. As I am driving there I get a SPEEDING TICKET!!! I can't help but think: Mother F***** my mouth is hurting and now I am getting a f****** ticket. I  just want to run this a******  over!

But I digress.

So I finally get to the dentist and she looks at my tooth and takes an X-ray and says that now I need A ROOT CANAL! Are you f******  kidding me? The tooth that you just worked on and put a crown on, now needs a root canal! This is just f****** great!

Apparently when she worked on my tooth, she killed it and it is now dead. In total this stupid tooth has cost me $550.00. That I do not have. A root canal is $198.00 which is better than I expected I guess I should be thankful for that. So I am having that done on Monday. Lucky me!

I think someone put a curse on me!


  1. poor baby.

    i had a root canal done last year and it was NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT it would be. it was quick and they give you nice drugs to relax you and take the pain away.

    good thing you have dental insurance, eh?

  2. Root canal is a total bitch. I feel for you. The last one I had was right around Christmas two years ago. Whatever they give you for pain, ask for one more shot of it before they start. It's worth it, trust me.

    Lola x
