Friday, March 16, 2007

No Don't Go!

The past few days have been spectacular! It was sunny with a light breeze and the temperature reached up to 80 degrees! Now it is cold, windy, raining and I think it is supposed to snow or at the very least ice up. I love the spring and fall season, the in-between of freezing cold and smoldering hot.

The sunny weather makes you start to reminisce old memories that you hold close to your heart.  Like the time me and best friend went to North Carolina to go see Brad Paisley and we were acting silly and singing at the top of our lungs. When we tried to fight off high school girls to catch his hat and we break out in song even when no music is playing.

 I miss trips to Missouri in the warm weather and when you get there you get to see your family that you haven't seen in a 'coons age.  Then we went to the river for the day and just hung out and relaxed and you felt like your mind was at peace and nothing mattered besides you in the river with your family. No stresses, just fun.

Lazy summer days lying around our pool, I remember Dad would always fall asleep out there. If he go to hot he would jump in the pool and splash around, making a noise similar to an elephant. I always thought that was hysterical.

I miss the summers we spent at the beach house and  all the fun Mom and I had running our own store.

Then all that stuff ends and it leaves you sad, but I would be sadder if I had never experienced it at all. I have SO many memories that I hold close to my heart.  Thank you to everyone that shared an awesome memory with me.


  1. I hear ya! Every summer I reminisce about my childhood summers, playing at our pool club with my "summer friends," chasing the ice cream truck, going on lots of little family vacations... I miss it, but like you said, I'd rather have had it happen for me to miss it, than to have it never have happened at all.

  2. The same thing happened here. Yesterday was so nice and beautiful and now today is a rainy mess that makes me want to curl up in a blanket and sleep. I also love the spring and fall time. What kind of store did you and your mom run? Sounds like you have an awesome family!

    "haven’t seen in a ‘coons age" LOL I haven't heard this in a long time!

  3. We had a gift shop that sold eclectic and southwestern things. A lot of it was designed by Robert Shields (from Shields and Yarnell, he is a mime). We also sold other cute stuff like you would find at Hallmark or somewhere. Oddly enough our store was in Ocean City Maryland in between the Ocean and the Bay and we didn't sell any of your typical "beach stuff." It was fun, but it was too costly so we gave it up to come back to the working world :-(

  4. Ah the smell in the air when a famous man's hat flies right over your head......
    Those were the days.

    'Course, we could do it again......

  5. I can feel a road trip coming on!
