Saturday, March 31, 2007

Brazilian Embarrassment

 *Warning* Readers beware this is a classic case of providing TMI!

*Read at your own risk*

Okay, so yesterday I took the day off and went with fancythis to do the unthinkable, again!

 That is right we got yet another Brazilian wax! I know at this very moment you are thinking what the hell is wrong with these two, they surely must be masochists. I can assure you we are not. It is just feels so refreshing to have all the hair lifted off your ummm....shoulders?  ;-)

So I am laying there and she has done the worst of it and she starts to wash her hands and told me I can go ahead and get dressed. Okay. I started to think but she didn't finish...interesting. So I get dressed and went to wait for fancythis to be done so she can get her BW done. As I am sitting there I am wrestling with getting up and asking her is she can wax my butt-crack. I can't imagine how I can possibly get up and ask this woman this and further more that is part of a BW so why didn't she do it in the first place. I am mulling it over finally after 15 minutes of agonizing over this I go back in there.

Me: Ummmm............I was wondering if you could ummm..........wax my behind....if you do is okay if you don't.......I was just wondering.

Her: Oh, I am sorry, I normally do wax there...I just wasn't sure if you wanted me too.

Me: Well, if you don't want to you don't have too.

Her: No, I do, I  just felt weird asking because the other day I did and a lady was really offended that I would ask her that and now I have shied off from asking people that.

I guess she was just as embarrassed to ask me as I was her. So that was that. The rest is history.


  1. I'm hurting just thinking about this one. Ouch! You're more of a woman than I am!

  2. Ha ha! Ok, I really needed that kind of a laugh tonight! Hysterical! I will say my ass hurts just thinking about it though!

  3. you know what's funny? That's the area that hurt me the worst the next day. I mean pain. The rest was fine.
    Maybe we'll reconsider getting that portion waxed next time, no?

  4. Yeeeouch! That, to me, is the worst spot too. And it's even worse if you go to a place that wants you to get on all fours. Talk about embarrassing!

  5. [...] looking for a new cloth to no avail! What the heck can I just have a normal waxing without some embarrassing moment? Maybe this is a [...]
