Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Yesterday I called GEICO to tell them that the car wasn't drivable and they were all of a sudden very helpful. Clearly, they read my blog and it put the fear in them.   :-D

They had the car towed to the repair shop and they got us into a rental car.

Originally when I talked to GEICO Saturday, they weren't going to fix our car until March 13th and even then they wanted us to take it down to Dover and then we could take it to whatever repair shop we wanted. But they insisted we had to take it to "there" repair shop first. They also weren't going to give us a rental until our car was in the shop even though the tail light was knocked out and you can get a ticket for that.

Now, they just took it right to the repair shop we wanted to go to in the first place and skipped taking it down to Dover first. I should know by Wednesday the fate of my car.

 I wonder if I should count this as a good thing or be waiting for the other shoe to drop....  :cry:

Update 3-7-2007:

I was talking to my neighbor last night and he informed me that his girlfriends sister saw the whole thing. Apparently the driver that hit our car was reaching/looking down at her floor board and that is why she hit the car, full speed, no braking. I am anxious to get a call today from the insurance adjuster to see what is the outcome of all of this.


  1. Never underestimate the power of a blog!

    Glad things are going well now... maybe it was all of the positive thoughts your readers put into the situation! Think of it as a good thing... don't even allow the other shoe to drop!


  2. [...] Updates: http://lifelemons.wordpress.com/2007/03/06/update/ [...]

  3. Yay!! Maybe we won't have to go throw rotten eggs at the Geico headquarters after all!!!
