Tuesday, December 18, 2007

We Are Such A Close Knit Family...

This whole situtation makes me chuckle...

Back around Thanksgiving my Great-Aunt Cookie called to tell my Dad that his Aunt Bea was about to pass and that she was very sick due to her cancer.  Well Dad wasn't home so I talked to Aunt Cookie and she asked me to tell Dad so I did. It dawned on me after our phone conversation that Aunt Cookie didn't know I was pregnant. Mostly everyone asks me the typical pregnant woman questions everytime they see me so I figuered she didn't know because she never asked "How are you feeling." I know I am a weirdo but bare with me.

So when Dad comes home I told him what Cookie said and he seemed like he really didn't care. He said something along the lines of, "I'm not that upset about it, I never cared for the way she treated her kids." So that was that. Then I said, "Daddy, did you ever tell any of them that I am pregnant?" He said, "You did at the family reunion." Which I had to then explain that I didn't know I was pregnant then because I took the test when I came back from Missouri. "Oooooh, well I guess they don't know then. But, your Mom probably told Cook."

Well no one told anyone anything! Can you freakin' believe that? My dad's side of the family didn't know I was with child. Considering my Aunt Judy asked me if I was going to adopt at some point in time I feel it is best that people know that I am indeed pregnant and will most likely not be adopting. So that we can slow down the family rumor mill just a tad.

Well hopefully everyone knows now because I sent a little note out in my Christmas cards that we are expecting a baby girl, etc, etc.

This is all very typical of my family, divorces, babies, marriages, deaths all just seem to be stumbled upon in this family. No one ever calls and tells you anything except good ole' Aunt Cookie-she atleast makes an effort to keep you informed. Then you just have to hope my Dad relays what she tells him to the rest of us!


  1. ohmygoodness - do we have the same family? maybe we do, since my dad's family doesn't tell anyone anything it is totally possible that you are actually in that family and no one told me.

    like when my dad called to tell me that he may be late for ellie's birthday party because my GRANDMOTHER was DYING. He-LLO!!

  2. That is much better than a story beginning with the words...

    "It was a one in a million shot doc, one in a million." [Warning: Seinfeld Reference]

  3. i love it! it's probably better not to have contact than to have EVERYONE in your business, savvy?
