Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Just Can't Let It Go...

Now that I have had my little psycho venting session, I feel there is still something I can do. I don't know what but I really am feeling like suing this company for all the screwing with me they've done over the last six years.

I just can not wrap my mind around the way they can just screw over whomever they please and no one will stand up about it.

I am seriously considering talking with my manager's boss as Employee Relations advised me to do. Had her boss worked in our area I would have done so already but I am slightly nervous because she just recently became her boss and I have no history at all with her. Oh yeah and she is located in Chicago ahem, I am in Delaware. On the other hand I would hate to become a pain in the ass employee who gets shit-canned for opening her mouth.

I don't know what to do, I guess I could try being the complacently quiet employee that I usually am. This way they can continue to screw me over for another few years until I one day hopefully break free and transfer to a new department or a new company. If anyone has any good ideas for me or would like to know more, feel free to fire away the questions and ideas! Seriously I need some good advice!


  1. Just a kindly piece of advice - if you value your job, as well as, your reputation with your current employer, potential future employers, etc... you might want to avoid wearing your feelings on your blog. You have no idea who all reads your blog and once it is on the internet it is out there for all to see - your current employer/employees, future employers/employees, etc...from personal experience as a manager at a large company employees have not only been dismissed for things written in various places on the internet for all to see but there have also been lawsuits against said employees for things such as slander, etc...I pray you take this advice in the gentle nature in which it is intended...God Bless!

  2. talk to the lady in Chicago.....this needs to be brought to someones attention!
