Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Mystery of the Sippy-Cup

How in the world do you get your child to use a sippy cup? This is my great mystery currently. Hannah is not very cooperative when it comes to drinking from a sip-cup or holding her own bottle. I fear it is something I am doing wrong so if anyone out there has a clue on what is best to do I would love to hear it!

In other news it seems like for the past three months Hannah is spitting up constantly. The doctor didn't offer any help on how to get her to stop this so Tom and I decided to switch her formula to gentle and it still hasn't helped. Before she would never spit-up ever and now it seems that is all she does. I also bought a can of the "Next-Step" formula to see if that might help (Haven't given it to her yet). I am running out of  ideas on what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

When did everyone's child stop drinking formula? Hannah is 10 and 1/2 months old and she doesn't want her bottle any more. She will drink around four ounces in the morning but after that she will only drink one, two or three ounces every few hours during the day. I am telling myself she is full from her other foods but I know they are still supposed to be drinking formula so it makes me concerned. It seems like she decided on her own to be done with her formula.


I  have lost Thirty Pounds!  *Pats self on back!* I am so excited! I have really been working hard at the Y. Even though I didn't go yesterday I plan on making it up today. Yesterday it was cold and snowing so I didn't want to have to bundle Hannah up so that I could go to the Y.  I stayed home and  enjoyed the last day of pretending to be a stay at home mom!  :lol: 

Well after three days off of work it is back to the grindstone, argh. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!


  1. Congrats on the weight loss!

    My Dr. said no cow's milk until 12 months and at that point you have to transition them by mixing milk and already prepared formula so that their stomachs can get used to it.

    Have you tried different types of sippy cups? I thought the same thing about Luke, but when I changed the sippy cup, he did fine.

    I would keep asking about the spitting up. Maybe keep careful track of the conditions - how she is sitting, did she just have solids, is she maybe eating too fast?, etc.. I hope you get some answers.....

  2. i wish i had advise - colin refuses to drink from a cup (or bottle) and hates formula....

    my pediatrician recommended trying to give him a cup with a straw, which he will sometimes use...

  3. Try taking the valve out of the sippy a few times so it just dumps liquid into her mouth (it's tough to suck liquid from a sippy - I tried it once!) Just be patient, she'll get it when she's ready.

    I agree with journally the spitting up and related activities. Pay attention to what foods she is eating too... could be related. Formula until they are 1 year old, especially if she's not drinking much of it.

    Hope that helps!

    Congrats on the weight loss! You go girl!!

  4. no advice to offer on the sippy cup dilemma...no kids and all. However, you know that I'm SUPER-proud of all you've accomplished and have yet to accomplish weight-wise.
    Love ya!
