Wednesday, October 4, 2006

College Here I Come!

Today I went to take my placement test for school. Boy am I slow, I know I suck at math but I never brought home a grade that pitiful, (44) yes, that number is out of 100%. When I left high school 4 years ago I forgot all the pointless math they taught me.  I will never so long as I live have a use for letters with my numbers. I know you are ashamed for me! But on the bright side I am very good at English and I will be taking College-Level Composition, I am considering that to be a plus! On Sentence Skills I scored an 80 and on Reading Comprehension I scored a 92.  That is all they tested everyone on so I guess if you can read and add you are good to go!

I have to go to the Wilmington Campus (yuck) to talk to a counselor about Agribusiness Management and then call the Georgetown Campus (double yuck) to do Horticulture. Apparently I am going to be driving all over the State of De to go to school. I was planning on getting a dual degree in Horticulture and Agribusiness Management and they informed me that if I have two classes the same for the two programs then it will cancel the other class out, this equals me not having to do as much work as I originally thought I would!

After the first semester is over the dude said I can begin my on-line classes! Thank God! I was not feeling the whole going to Wilmington thing! P.S. I hate going to Wilmington if you couldn't tell already.


  1. math totally sucks. my engineer/math major husband cannot for the life if him understand why i can not do fractions or find the radius of a circle when it is such basic math, for pete's sake. he does not understand that i simply... DON'T CARE about fractions. i hated math in high school and never took another math class since! studying for the gre was a trip.

    anywho - sounds like things are really moving along, you college girl!! congrats!

  2. Wilmington sucks.
    Anyway, don't fret. Math is a sucky subject and really, like girlymama said, WHO CARES?!
