Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's The Little Things

Remember when I was all upset about not getting that job I applied for. Well...it was probably for the best.

Friday my co-worker had a nervous breakdown, seriously. She had an appointment with her therapist in the middle of the work day and I don't know what happened but she came back to work afterwards. All of a sudden she starts hysterically bawling, hyperventilating, the whole nine. My manager told her to go home so she could deal with whatever happened. That was Friday, she still has not come back to work?!?! We share the same function, so you put the two of us together and all the work gets done, you follow. Take her away now there is too much work for one person (I would be the one person) well now that we have a new boss (i.e. the girl who got the job I applied for) she gets all the "extra work."  This means I just saved myself from doing all the work, like last time when home-girl had a issue and went out on leave and I did everything for that particular function. Muhuwahaha, sometimes things just have a way of panning out.

If home-girl isn't back to work by Monday then she will probably be taking a mental leave of absence and then all her work will continue to go to the other girl.

Please note the chick having the nervous breakdown is one of those people who freak and worry about everything! As soon as I announced to the team that I am pregnant she comes up to me to begin discussing the logistics of my going out on leave in March! March people, as this point in time it was still July I believe. I hope she gets out of her funk but she brings all of this stress on herself, she needs to take it down about 20 notches.


  1. Woah! That is pretty intense. I hope she gets better soon!

  2. Folks like that will never take it down a notch ...
