Tuesday, October 9, 2007

2nd Appt.

Went yesterday to have my exam and meet the new doctor! Unfortunately she was running about 2 and a half hours behind schedule. I thought I was going to scream sitting there that long.

I was pleasantly surprised when she showed up in my exam room (I had been waiting in there about an hour and a half) and found out they were going to give me an ultrasound! They even did my ultrasound on top of my belly! The baby was wiggling around and it looked like he/she was sucking a thumb. Couldn't tell the sex though because the baby was relaxing with his/her feet crossed at the ankle.

Everything looks good, the baby and I both!

(Happy Anniversary Tom, three years down, 80+ to go  ;-) )


  1. Yeah! It is so nice to stop by your blog and read some good news. :)

  2. Two and a half freakin' hours! My gosh, that is crazy! But all worth it when you got to see your little bambino on that ultrasound! How great!

    And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Steve and I will celebrate OUR third in December!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  3. happy anniversary!! Our 3 year is today, too!!! (A little birdie named Jane from P&B girls told me) :)
