Thursday, October 4, 2007

The View To My Right...(Warning this is just 300 words of me bitching and complaining)



The top two lovely pictures are from the bedroom windows.


This equally lovely photo is looking out my backdoor window.

I don't think I have mentioned it but they built a ridiculously humongous building on top of next to our house. They had a whole acre to build on but chose to put this building right on top of the property boundaries. Mr. Mulch The owner of this property, just goes about his merry way while I have an elephant of a building next to me.

So far we have caught them driving there equipment through our yard. When Tom said something to them, they assured him they would take care of it, blah, blah, blah, they didn't want to mess up the curb they installed. So instead of "messing up there curb" they'll just turf our grass, seems fair, right? Then we noticed that a couple of the trees in the back had been cut down! I am quite certain the trees were on our side of the line. I wouldn't have had a problem with this had they asked if the trees could be cut down, they didn't. Then I noticed that they are installing lights that will shine directly into our bedroom window! They let there construction trash and debris blow all over our yard! Enough is enough already!  

So here is my plan, find out where this guy lives, dump all of my trash in his yard and set up a spotlight to shine in his bedroom window. The cherry on top, I will set up a jack hammer to constantly be making noise while he is enjoying his leisure time. Did I mention they work weekends too?


  1. What's that thing going to be anyways.. it doesn't like look like a house... some sort of cult commune perhaps?

    That sucks.
    Pity it's concrete. Had it been wood I might have had some handy tips of ways to eliminate it from your life with the simple flick of cigarette.

  2. Bummer! That monstrosaty looks bigger every time. Can't wait till u move the heck outta there!

  3. If you had a $32 Walmart pellet rifle you could eliminate the "light problem" until you sold your house, I'm just sayin' ...

  4. I'm with MO on this one. And think of the fun and enjoyment you would get out of it.
