Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Life Is Fantastic

I think I have a welcome sign for drama. It is always there like a gloomy sky, you wait for the other shoe to drop and it always does. I guess life is interesting that way, but I don't like drama. I feel you should treat people the way you would like to be treated. So when the drama comes, I ignore it. It's hard to do at times but if you give into it I think it is just feeding the drama creator, I could be wrong but that is how it feels.

I don't let the bullshit that other people stir up hurt my feeling anymore. The playing field has gotten more dangerous but I'm not going to fall into it. I won't feel like a victim.

With that being said I need to get something off my chest. My SIL is a manipulative psycho path that is constantly creating drama in my family. I am getting to the point where I don't want to be around her, I don't want to hear her voice, I don't even want to hear any of the recent problems she is creating. I hate to sound cliche but she is dead to me. For five years now we have put up with her drama. I have many tales about this girl that would shock and disturb you. Her latest events revolve around the fact that I am moving into a new house and she isn't. My parents technically bought the house for me and then when we sell our house we are buying it from my parents. Well this has set her ass on fire even though it is none of her concern. She is always getting money from my parents and I NEVER ask for money from them. That is why they didn't mind putting themselves out there and getting the house for us now. If we would have waited we would have lost it. So she had a fit about that and freaked out and called my parents up cussing and screaming, which is the way she handles things. My brother and her asked for money to send my oldest niece to a private school next year and my parents told them no. Well my SIL of course freaked out! She called my mom and was screaming at her about how she supposedly loves her granddaughter but is denying her a proper education. My SIL seems to forget that my dad just paid for my nieces private school tuition for the current school year and he paid for cheer-leading for my niece and my mom has been paying there 11 credit cards since August. I think that they don't know I know all of this, but my mom and dad tell me everything.

They have been spoon fed for quite some time and although they are older than me you would never know it. They have the financial maturity of 12 year olds.  She is jealous of me and always talking about me and I always find out. Her latest spread of venom. My niece comes to me:

Mak: My mommy is mad at you

Me: I'm sure she is (I already knew about the fight with my mom over my house)

Mak: She says that you need to learn to take care of yourself and Mammie needs to take care of mommy and daddy

Me: Oh...

Mak: She also says your fat

Me: I really don't care what your mother says about me Makayla

Mak: *Gasps* We are family Heather, that is not nice to say about family

Me: Do you think it is nice for Mommy to call me names?

Mak: Don't talk about my mother

Me: I'm not, but I don't want to hear reports about what she says about me every weekend. It is not nice to repeat gossip and that is what you are doing. (I am assuming she is overhearing what her mother says to other adults like my brother or her friends)

Mak: My mommy told me to tell you this

(At this point I am ready to cry, I am so shocked that my niece is telling me all of this!)

Mak: She says you aren't going to be able to buy toys for your baby.

This conversation when on for a good five minutes. I believe it ended my my niece kicking me in the leg and telling me not to say mean things about her mother. I never did say anything bad about her mom I just kept telling her I didn't want to hear this. But, can you fucking believe that her mother is telling her to be mean to me?!?! I am still in shock over this. I am sure her mom expected me to hear all of this and then the fireworks would begin. I am not calling her or going to her house to talk to her. She is a narcissist so I have decided it best not to acknowledge the ignorant shit she does.

Oh and her mother stalks my blog, which is why I never get to let this off my chest. But I think I just might start writing about the stories from the past, they are pretty humorous.


  1. How beyond immature and pretty poor parenting if I may say.

  2. One can only consider the source and pray it does not contaminate the babies.
