Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dr. R. 3-30-2007

So I went Friday. Fancythis was there to provide support! Nothing is going on, I have teeny-tiny follicles that aren't doing anything and my blood work showed that my estrogen and progesterone are low. Lucky me. So I am going back tomorrow at 7:30am and I guess I will have another ultrasound and blood-work. They had mentioned putting me on clomid to try and get things started since I am still baseline on day 17.  I feel like taking a break helped me clear my head but I do not want to start back from where I was years ago. I really want to do IVF and when the nurse was on the phone with me Friday she mentioned I might have to come in for a consult so when I do I will tell Dr. R yet again that I want to do IVF. I don't want to waste time and money on insemination because clearly that doesn't work for me. I will try to keep updates on my progress/lack thereof.


  1. (((lemons))) Glad Fancythis could be there with you. What an awesome friend!

  2. Echoing Thinking Out Loud... what a wonderful friend you have in fancythis!

    Good luck to you... I can only imagine how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be.

  3. YOU DIDN'T CALL ME TO REMIND ME ABOUT THIS MORNING!!!!!! I so would've gone! How did it go?
