Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh What A Beautiful Day!

Today was my first ultrasound and as you can imagine I was nervous beyond belief! I was hoping and praying that the baby was where it should be and not tubal! The good news is "this is exactly what I wanted to see," the doctor informed me! YAY! One worry down, five million more to think about!  ;-)  They took my blood and called later in the day, my HCG is good it raised 113% my progesterone was a little low so they want me to double up on my medicine for that. I also had an appointment with my normal doctor to change my high blood pressure medicine, she told me I no longer have to take any meds! My pressure is really good and that as long as the other doctors monitor it I should be okay! YAY!!! Tom and I decided to celebrate by going to the Melting Pot and enjoying a nice meal together. We had a really good time and we were able to sit down and talk about things for the baby.

I don't really feel "pregnant" just as yet. I do have to pee a lot and occasionally feel nausea but it never lasts long and it doesn't happen every day! My mood swings are scary, usually I swing in to bitch mode and my friends at work give me a hard time about it! I think it is kind of funny because the one girl that just had a baby was fifty times worse than me so we all pointed that out to her today, muhuwahaha! She also has this habit of calling people by there first and middle initial and I think it is annoying so I turned the table on her and started calling her kids and her by there initials, she was not amused! Hopefully when I have a baby she doesn't call them by there initials as I am trying to teach her a lesson. HAHAHA!

Here are the pics of my baby:



The doctor said it is still the yolk sac and there isn't a visible embryo just as yet. Next week there should be the embryo and my ultrasound for that is next Thursday. She told me I need to go every week now for bloodwork and ultrasound. I think this will be interesting to see things progress week by week. When I got up to change I told Tom to hold the picture of his baby and he says "you mean my yolk sac." He thinks he is a comedian and had my mother in hysterics. I think they both just like saying yolk sac because they seem to slip it in to conversation whenever there is an opening, ridiculous! So I guess that is enough of my ramblings for the evening, I'll be sure to keep everyone posted!


  1. SOOOOOOO exciting! The first sonogram... the first pictures... it's just amazing!

    We are on this journey with you and I am so happy that everything is going well.

    I am having big time mood swings lately, too, but I'm not pregnant. I'm thinking PMS, but who knows with my crazy menstrual cycle.

    Tom is so funny! I think "yolk sac" would have me in hysterics, too. I'm an easy laugh like that. :)

  2. Awww, I just love that little yolk sac! Were it here I would give it lots of kissed and hugs!!!!
    I'm so glad that things are running so smoothly.
    Praying away, praying away.

  3. soooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!! isn't that crazy to "see" your baby? wait until it gets bigger. we have a video of gracie's ultrasound and she's sucking her thumb! seriously!

    so glad that everything is looking well and that you aren't feeling to bad.

    tell everyone that if they think your mood swings are bad now, just wait about 8 months. then you'll show them mood swings :-)

  4. Awwww! That is such wonderful news! It must have been so surreal to see the ultrasound. And how AWESOME that you'll get to see weekly progress/growth! My friend just had a baby and I think she only had 3 or 4 ultrasounds through the entire pregnancy. That will be so amazing to watch!

  5. Hey there lifelemons!

    Just wanted to come past and say CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful pregnancy! You sound so happy! And thank you so much too for the support you've given me over the past couple of days when I've been down in the dumps!

    Bumble x

  6. Oh my goodness! I leave the blogosphere for a week or two, and come back to find you pregnant! Yay! Congrats!

    This is wonderful news!

  7. I never could make out that first ultrasound. Now the second one was amazing, but the first one I just kinda stood there saying, ummm what am I looking at.
