Saturday, July 28, 2007

Second Ultrasound

I had my second ultrasound on Wednesday and they told me my due date is March 17, 2008...St. Patrick's Day! I kept saying to Tom, isn't there something on the 17th, someone's birthday or something? He said no and finally my sister-in-law said "oh that is St. Patrick's Day!" I had one of those eureka moments, I really could not think of what the 17th was! Any-who, we watched the heartbeat, it was very amazing, it is feeling a little bit more real now! Still no sickness, boobs hurt a lot though...feels great when your niece is jumping all over you and knocking into them, yowser! She is four and me and her usually rough house together so her being easy is still new territory we are working on. She asked me today "Are you going to have your baby taken out at the same place my mommy had her baby taken out at?" She cracks me up, "taken out" sounds like I am having a tumor removed instead of giving birth. 

The babies heartbeat is good, 119 beats per minute. Everything looks good so far, my progesterone is still a little low so they increased my medicine again. I think if this form of progesterone doesn't start working my next step will be progesterone shots. My blood pressure was very normal which is good because they took me of my HBP medicine last week!  

Here are this week's pics:




Looks a lot like an olive to me! The black is the amniotic fluid and the grayish part (where the + signs are) in the middle is the embryo. That whole grayish part inside of the black is where we saw the heartbeat, it was all very cool!


  1. He's getting so big!!! (I've decided to call it "he" because I hate calling a baby "it." Plus there's a 50% chance I'm right.)

    I cannot believe you are not sick at all. Bitch.

  2. To be quite honest I am slightly disappointed! I was all set for every symptom in the book, all I got was some sore boobs, WTF!

  3. Glad to hear his heart was beating away so steadily!

  4. Is it just me or did the pictures get bigger since my last visit?
