Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Mistress

My oh so loving husband took me down to the Red Lobster last night! Isn't he the sweetest! I had a craving in the worst way for garlic shrimp scampi and snow crab legs! On the way there he says:

Tom: Where are your rings?

Me: I took them off when I got home.

Tom: Now it looks like I am taking my mistress to dinner!

Me: It happens.


  1. Hello again! I just read a previous comment of yours on my site when I wrote about my children. When I re-read "I hope I can experience that one day" I thought of you and this new adventure you are on with baby! Enjoy and take care - thinking of you in this fun, sometimes scary, hormonal time. :)

  2. It is much better to be both the wife AND the mistress. ;)

  3. I love it! That is about the same conversation that husband and I have every time I forget my rings when we're going out.

  4. Oooooh, a forbidden relationship! You guys really know how to spice up your marriage! ;)

  5. That's happened many a times in our home as well. Makes for a saucy date!

  6. How funny! you two have a great sense of humor.

    Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you're feeling well!
