Monday, August 6, 2007

Ambivalence Anyone?

I had an appointment today to see a diabetes doctor I had never seen before. Of course I HATE going to the diabetes doctor. I long to be a "normal" person and having diabetes sucks the normalcy right out of life. It wasn't my first visit at the diabetes place but it was my first time being pregnant and going there. I am already dreading this whole visit and then I don't know what this doctor is going to be like, I am praying to just get this appointment over and go back to work. The doctor comes in and hardly even looks at me, he just keeps asking me questions and furiously writing in my chart. I thought that was odd, I have never had a doctor act so stand-offish before. Then he asks me this:

Doctor: Are you feeling ambivalent about being pregnant?

Me: (Long pause) What does that mean? Dreading it or something? If so definitely not!

Doctor: So you are going to keep the baby?

Me: Yes (thinking to myself, didn't we just talk about my infertility treatments and how I stopped going and got pregnant)

He kept answering everything I said with a calculating "Hmmm" like I was lying or not telling the whole truth. To be quite honest he made me feel like I didn't deserve to be pregnant because I have diabetes. I will never go back and see that man again. Needless to say when I went to make my next appointment they asked if I wanted to see the same doctor again, I immediately told the girl NO.

When he asked me if I was keeping my baby I wanted to say, "No, I think I'll just throw it in the river." Who the hell asks somebody that anyhow?


  1. What is that all about? What a jerk!

  2. holy cow! what a MORON!!! He's a DOCTOR? I beg to differ.

  3. That is so unacceptable. He should be giving you tools to have a healthy pregnancy, not judging you. I'm sorry you had to put up with that!

  4. "Of course I HATE going to the diabetes doctor"

    They have special doctors just for that? Neat.

  5. TT-It is called the Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Center.

  6. Doesn't it just give you the warm fuzzies when a doctor doesn't bother to look at your medical history or isn't really paying attention to what you are saying during an office visit?

    Good thing you're not going to see him again. I get the feeling he would treat your diabetes with minimal concern for your baby. Yikes!

  7. Uh huh...not much to say to that one. Wasn't he listening to you at all?

  8. Oh my GOSH! How does this man practice medicine with a bedside manner like that!? I'm so glad you're not going back to him. What a JERK!
