Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nine Weeks Four Days

Here is the pics from Thursday that I have been too busy to post. I will warn you the baby is upside down and the angles look weird.


This is the backside of the baby, the white line towards the top is the spine.


At the very top are the feet and at the very bottom is the babies head.


The heartbeat a very good 179, doesn't that mean it is a girl?


In this pic I could swear I see a little face, Tom saw it too but said it was my imagination...interesting. Also the baby has his hand near his face like he's waving!

The baby was sooo active this week! He/she was moving around so much the tech could hardly do the measurements! The baby waved and did a little break dance while we were looking at him/her. It was so special and amazing, to think that all of that was going on inside of me and I had no clue until I saw it on the screen. It was just so awesome!

P.S. My hair has started to fall out, it is kind of freaking me out. It would be different if I had thick hair but my hair is fine/thin. Hopefully I don't start having bald patches!  ;-)


  1. Still looks like grey blobs. I have no idea what i am looking at.

  2. Oh, he/she is waving at Mommy and Daddy! So precious! I love that you allow us to peak into your belly every week and see your little bambino!

  3. I love, love, love! this little bundle, and you just KNOW he was doin his little dance for me ;)

  4. I thought I saw a face too, but I think I was looking at the wrong end, so it was probably my imagination. I can also see a giant ear on the bottom most picture, do you see that too?
